Who we are looking for

You love checking items off your to-do lists, and while we’re on the topic, your to-do lists are really, really good. You never go to the grocery store without that perfectly detailed list. You are the person whom colleagues and friends always go to for help with wrangling big projects because you have that precise balance of skills that enables you to keep the mission in mind while you tackle the actions that bring a goal to completion. This means that you’ve often volunteered to be the leader of a group project, to chair a committee, or just to roll your sleeves up and tackle big issues you care about without losing track of all the little details along the way.

Who we are

We build contextual AI and partner with companies to help deploy it in the precise ways necessary to ensure that constructive, dynamic, and diverse communities grow and evolve online, safely. We are the leaders in online language use, and we build our technology around international human rights standards and a fierce commitment to preventing harm.

What you will be doing 

Workflow management– Labeling operations and specific types of specialized data acquisition are housed within Spectrum’s data operations team. As the coordinator of workflow in these areas, you manage oversight of both processes and people. 

Within labeling operations, you play an essential role with quality control by tracking each distinct labeling project as it moves through each stage of completion, which includes internal colleagues and external contractors. 

Within the data acquisition workflow, you take the list of identified needs and assign and oversee the distinctive work that a wide array of people complete in order to produce a usable data set, including the same types of quality control and tracking that are applied within the labeling operations workflow. 

While managing workflow, you interface with both Spectrum colleagues and contractors who have expertise in human labeling, online behaviors, language and cultural context, and other elements of human behavior online. 

Administrative tasks– An organized file management system is crucial in ensuring that our labeling operations and data acquisition run smoothly and effectively.  You track files and ensure each one is properly cataloged and saved in various internal tracking systems. In addition, you are the primary point of contact for labelers and language consultants. This involves communicating with external stakeholders throughout the course of the project, from providing them with the project instructions and guidelines at the start, to promptly responding to any inquiries or doubts that arise. 

Your skills and insights

People who succeed in this work generally have skills and experience within the following areas:

  • Spreadsheet management, including working with and manipulating different versions of large files, including csv and xlsx.

  • Oversight of cross-departmental work: experience with seeing projects to completion when multiple types of team members are required to collaborate. 

  • Tracking details within formal workflows: Having the ability to identify precise information within a larger system that houses departmental workflows (Spectrum uses Jira for this).

  • Communications: comfortability and experience with communicating efficiently with a wide variety of people from all over the world who have very distinctive roles and areas of expertise.

  • Reporting: ability to efficiently summarize (verbally and in descriptions and spreadsheets) the state of work to internal and external stakeholders to ensure that team members understand what has been completed, what is in the process of being completed, and what remains to be done.

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