**This position is for our Pittsburgh, PA office - only apply if you are based there or willing to relocate**

At TDK Qeexo, we are transforming the utilization and interaction with sensor data. As pioneers in automating end-to-end machine learning for edge devices, we are reshaping the landscape of "tinyML" development. Collaborating with leading global companies, we empower teams to effortlessly devise and implement machine learning solutions for industrial applications, all without the need for coding. Originating as a spin-off from Carnegie Mellon University in 2012, we are now a proud part of TDK Corporation, a prominent global player in sensor technology.

Qeexo is currently seeking an enthusiastic individual to fill the role of Senior Software Engineer. In this position, the candidate will oversee all software engineering aspects related to research and development as well as commercial projects.

We are a small team of software engineers that collaborate frequently with machine learning engineers, embedded engineers and business teams. The ideal candidate should be highly motivated, passionate, exceptionally organized, and possess a distinctive mix of business and technical acumen. Quick learning and adaptability are crucial, given the diverse projects across multiple disciplines associated with this role. 



•    Architect and develop robust, scalable web applications written Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Swift.
•    Provide leadership in software engineering aspects, overseeing both research and development and commercial projects.
•    Define system specifications, standards, and programming to craft innovative solutions.
•    Conduct systems analysis to enhance operational efficiency and advocate for changes in policies and procedures.
•    Document and articulate solutions through comprehensive documentation, flowcharts, diagrams, and code comments.
•    Mentor and guide junior developers, fostering a collaborative and high-performance team culture.
•    Conduct code reviews, ensuring adherence to coding standards and promoting code quality.


•    Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or a related field.
•    5+ years of proven experience as a Software Engineer or in relevant roles.  
•    Proficient in version control systems, such as GitHub.
•    Effective collaboration skills, showcasing experience in cross-functional team environments.
•    Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Swift.  
•    Experience deploying, scaling, and monitoring applications on cloud service such as AWS.  
•    Expertise in database systems such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.  
•    Strong knowledge of web frontend/backend development.
•    Strong problem-solving skills coupled with a self-driven and adaptable mindset.
•    Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
•    US work authorization required.


Preferred Skills:
•    Experience in Industrial IoT-related software products.
•    Familiarity with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.  
•    Familiarity with front-end frameworks/libraries (e.g., React, Angular). 


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