Who We Are

The Hispanic Federation (HF) is the nation's premier Latino nonprofit membership organization. Founded in 1990, HF supports Hispanic families and strengthens Latino institutions through grantmaking and direct services in the areas of education, health, immigration, civic engagement, economic empowerment and the environment. Values that drive our work include equality, fairness, diversity and empathy.


Who We Seek

HF is seeking a dynamic candidate to fill the role of Capacity Building Manager. The Manager will work alongside the Senior Director for Capacity Building to manage existing capacity building programming, grow our network of technical assistance (TA) providers, and support the development of new capacity building initiatives and tools designed to meet the needs of Hispanic Federation’s nonprofit members.

The successful candidate will have an interest in nonprofit program development, training and skills building, and a focus on social justice and uplifting organizations working with populations in need. The position will require attention to detail and strong communications as the Manager will liaise with a diverse group of consultants and nonprofit partners.

The position is hybrid and will require at least 10 days onsite each month.


Position Location: New York, NY

Reports to: Senior Director for Capacity Building


Job Duties and Responsibilities

Program management

  • Manage HF’s existing training and professional development programs for partner CBOs, including the Entre Familia capacity building workshop series, Hispanic Leadership Institute (HLI), Nonprofit Management Bootcamp, and others.
  • Laise with trainers to ensure contracts are executed, financial documentation is submitted and  supporting documentation for contract compliance is provided.
  • Support in managing programmatic budget, processing payments, tracking and documenting expenses, and processing reimbursements.
  • Work closely with trainers to draft promotional materials and with HF Communications to promote HF capacity building events.
  • Support in tracking program outputs and deliverables and reporting to funders and public sector contract officers.

Consultant network

  • Support HF efforts to organize, grow and track HF’s network of TA providers and trainers (particularly bilingual, culturally competent consultants).
  • Communicate with service and training providers, providing and collecting information as necessary to ensure trainings and technical assistance are on track and responsive to partner needs.
  • Research consultants, TA providers and trainers, providing recommendations for future partnerships.
  • Support in connecting HF partner organizations to culturally competent consultants with the requisite expertise.

Event planning

  • Support planning for annual capacity building convening and other in-person events led by capacity building team.
  • Promote all events with relevant partners and ensure an active response from diverse stakeholders.
  • Oversee all event logistics such as registration, distribution of materials, communication with participants, coordination with venue and catering.
  • Identify and contract with vendors, receive invoices, and interface with HF Finance to process vendor payment.
  • Work with event leads to ensure materials are prepared and ready.

Online community moderation

  • Support the creation of HF’s online platform for network members, ensuring all members are invited and subsequently engaged in the online community.
  • Manage and maintain HF partners’ community engagement platform, moderate discussions and ensure community members’ questions and concerns are addressed by appropriate HF staff or consultants.
  • Create content for community boards and repost relevant materials and documents.
  • Provide user support and training on the platform.
  • Monitor platform analytics to gain insight into areas of improvement and strategies to increase engagement.


Skills and Qualifications

  • A Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of three (3) years of experience in the nonprofit sector, preferably with organizations focusing on Latino or immigrant facing issues.
  • Demonstrated experience managing projects, including managing budgets and tracking outputs.
  • Proven experience with staff development and training, with an understanding of adult learning.
  • Ability to work well under pressure and maintain a high level of accuracy while working quickly.
  • Experience presenting and public speaking, ability to facilitate workshops, focus groups, task groups, etc. is a strength.
  • Strong tech skills – Experience with MS Office, Google Workspace, and survey tools is required; experience with CRM, DMS, LMS, or online community engagement platform a plus.
  • Strong skill in oral and written communications. 
  • Ability to travel to project sites around the five boroughs and domestically to HF’s regional offices.
  • High energy, positive, “can-do” attitude, flexibility, teamwork, and attention to detail; high degree of initiative.
  • Strong understanding of Latino and social justice issues and a commitment to the work of Hispanic Federation.
  • Ability to read and speak Spanish is required for community and partner engagement.



The salary range for this position is $55,000 - $65,000 and is commensurate with experience. Compensation comes with a robust benefits package with fully paid medical, dental, vision insurance available as of the first day of employment, 403(B) retirement plan with a company match after 6 months of service, access to flexible spending and pre-tax commuter benefits.

Full time employees enjoy 15 vacation days, and have access to 8 sick days and 4 personal days.


To Apply

Please submit a résumé and cover letter detailing your interest and qualifications via this portal.  No telephone calls or emails will be accepted regarding this position, and only selected candidates will be contacted.

Hispanic Federation is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against actual or perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, creed, disability, marital status, sexual orientation and/or other protected categories.

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