Our Mission: Through inspired engineering and design, we deliver outstanding solutions that positively impact lives. We use an interdisciplinary development process that combines our diverse engineering experience with creative industrial design solutions. We succeed when our partners succeed – it’s all about solving the most complex challenges by creating transformative technology.

Culture & People: At Goddard, our most important asset is our people. We don’t just work together; we thrive together. We foster a culture of collaboration, continuous learning, and mutual support. We believe in taking exceptionally good care of each other because great teams build great solutions. If you are someone who embodies the values of accountability, inspiration, dedication, efficiency, innovation, integrity, quality, and reliability, we want you on our team. Come be a part of a workplace where your ideas are valued, your growth is encouraged, and your contributions make a real impact. Join us in shaping the future of transformative technology – together.

Goddard is seeking a Senior Mechanical Engineer with 5+ years of experience in product development, mechanical design, engineering and medical device to join our team in San Diego, CA

In this role, we will ask you to:

  • Lead, advise and assist in the design and execution of all projects from initiation to completion, ensuring on-time submission of deliverables.
  • Work with teams to create mechanical concepts for overall packaging strategies, mechanisms, and parts -all while balancing function, appearance, form and budgetary requirements.
  • Work independently with clients or as a lead/team member on larger projects.
  • Be a positive and success-oriented individual who is familiar with the latest development/production and rapid-prototype methodologies.
  • Manage and facilitate client interactions with clear communication as it relates to deliverables, design reviews and deadlines.
  • Work with team members to resolve conflicts among resources and between clients and engineering teams.
  • Remain apprised of the progress of certain projects, paying particular attention to any developing problems, and participate in major problem resolutions.
  • Communicate to senior management any significant deviations from project plans.
  • Coordinate internal team staffing and budget requirements for projects.
  • Travel as-needed (valid driver’s license and vehicle required).
  • Keep all privileged information private and confidential.
  • Be proficient with the latest version of SolidWorks CAD package.

About You:

  • You have experience in product development, mechanical design, engineering and medical device. 
  • You are a strong communicator, creative thinker and a team player.
  • You are excited at the prospect of working on a diverse array of projects.
  • You are energized by solving tough problems and tackling challenges head-on.

Please note: Applicants must be authorized to work for ANY employer in the U.S.  We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of any employment Visa at this time.  

Goddard believes that everyone is entitled to fair opportunities and equal employment rights. We comply with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring and the terms and conditions of employment including, but not limited to, compensation, promotion, discipline, or termination. Goddard is firm on its policy to provide equal employment opportunity for all employees and applicants on the basis of qualification and merit and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, veteran status, public assistance status, membership or activity in a local commission, or any other legally protected status in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws.