Our Mission: Through inspired engineering and design, we deliver outstanding solutions that positively impact lives. We use an interdisciplinary development process that combines our diverse engineering experience with creative industrial design solutions. We succeed when our partners succeed – it’s all about solving the most complex challenges by creating transformative technology.

Culture & People: At Goddard, our most important asset is our people. We don't just work together; we thrive together. We foster a culture of collaboration, continuous learning, and mutual support. We believe in taking exceptionally good care of each other because great teams build great solutions. If you are someone who embodies the values of accountability, inspiration, dedication, efficiency, innovation, integrity, quality, and reliability, we want you on our team. Come be a part of a workplace where your ideas are valued, your growth is encouraged, and your contributions make a real impact. Join us in shaping the future of transformative technology – together.


Goddard is seeking an Electromechanical Technician to join our Beverly, MA team. This position will be a great fit for candidates with a proven aptitude for qualifying, assembling, and testing mechanical and electrical components.

You will get to work with various prototypes, fixtures, and testing equipment built from the ground up. Our clients come from diverse industries: Consumer Products, Medical devices, industrial automation, and robotics. Overseeing our 3D printing and machine shop, you will be responsible for working closely with our engineering team to provide exceptional services and solutions for our clients. Depending on our client’s needs, work could be performed at our office or at our client locations in the Boston or greater Boston area.

In this role, we will ask you to:

  • Build and test assemblies and subcomponents for Engineering and Industrial Design groups following manufacturing process documentation.
  • Assemble and repair precision electromechanical parts, assemblies, and equipment, using hand tools, power tools, precision instruments, test equipment.
  • Have experience with panels, pulleys, switching mechanisms, motors, power supplies, pneumatic valves, and actuators.
  • Conduct, under direction, tests, and inspections of products, services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance.
  • Calibrate assembly tooling to meet operational tolerances/specifications.
  • Support new product prototype builds as assigned.
  • Maintain accurate records to ensure Device History Records (DHR) and quality documents are accurate when required.
  • Maintain a clean and safe workplace.
  • Perform all work following quality standards and established safety procedures.
  • Able to use a computer with Microsoft or google based software.
  • Troubleshoot and maintain our various 3d printers.
  • Quote build and delivery 3d printed parts for internal build requests.
  • Create or modify basic parts using a mill, lathe, and other shop tools.
  • Maintain shop space and manage orders of replacement tools/materials as needed.

About you:

  • High School Diploma with a minimum of 3-5 years of experience in electromechanical assembly, medical device manufacturing a plus.
  • Must have hands-on experience with both mechanical and electrical assemblies.
  • Must have a basic understanding of electronics/electricity.
  • Basic understanding and use of a multimeter, DC power supplies, Loctite/EFD dispensing units, and machine shop equipment (Milling and Lathe).
  • Must have a basic understanding of ESD.
  • Able to solder electrical components.
  • Ability to work with minimal components; this role requires fine motor skills and dexterity.
  • Must demonstrate basic computer skills, MS Word, and Excel. (Preferred candidates to have experience operating Solidworks.)
  • Must be a quality-minded team player that takes the initiative to improve product and process performance.
  • Able to read, write, and comprehend English, and have basic math skills.
  • Must be able to follow instructions & directions independently.
  • Capable of lifting 50lbs.
  • Ability to balance multiple tasks and responsibilities.
  • Experience with manual milling and turning.
  • Comfortable with shop tools to repair and modify prototypes (saws, sanders, grinders, hand tools).
  • Ability to read and understand drawings/ BOMs.


Please note: Applicants must be authorized to work for ANY employer in the U.S.  We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of any employment Visa at this time.  



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