Title: Momentum Intern
Type: Part Time Internship
Report to: Compassion Director of 6 Stones Mission Network
Summary: If you are interested in learning more about non profit organizations and how they work, come learn with us at 6 Stones Mission Network, A Catalyst of Hope. In the process, you will undergo training in non profit leadership, learn and leverage non profit software and engage in projects that will develop communication and leadership skills. This education will benefit our organization and help our community and neighbors.
Work directly with the entire Compassion Ministries staff.
Create/maintain various reports and orders.
Contact vendors for projects as necessary.
Work well within a team environment in order to develop plans, projects and ministry teams with our staff and with our coalition of partnering churches and other stakeholders.
Coordinate, develop and oversee any additional assigned projects.
To assist leadership and support the operations of Momentum, Momentum Generations, and Momentum in Motion.
Coordinate assigned projects within the timeline requirements with special attention to team development, correspondence and regular updates.
Support benevolence processes.
Coordinate job fairs for mentees and students.
Assist in the development and growth of Momentum.
Develop connections that would help our neighbors access resources and support other areas of need for our neighbors.
Assist in other areas as assigned.
Google Docs, Microsoft office proficient
Be available to work 20-25 hours with availability during the following days and times:
Mondays 9:00am-2:00pm, Tuesdays 9:00am-2:00pm, Wednesdays 2:30pm-8:30pm, and Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm